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Hi, I'm Mandy

Fall Mini Sessions!

Aug 30, 2019

Why do we have mini sessions?

Sometimes kiddos attention spans make 30 minutes a lot more enjoyable for them (and us mamas) than one hour sessions! Also, doesn’t the idea of keeping your child clean for an hour outdoors sound stressful?? I sure think it does. Overall, I have found that 30 minutes is the sweet spot to get enough photos for your holiday cards, announcements or “just because” photos when we also have a beautiful backdrop and great light! To be honest, even my almost 30 year old brothers need to be drug into getting their picture taken, so a shortened amount of time is much more intriguing to grumpy boyfriends and husbands as well!

What should we wear?

Neutrals! The outdoor landscape will provide beautiful natural color and your neutrals will stand out! They will also help achieve those light and airy photos your only daydream about. Patterns are okay if they are muted and not distracting! If you have a dress you love but it has some patterns, take a picture of yourself wearing it and send it on over to me! I will help you figure out if it’s distracting or not. See the design board below for inspiration!

The Motherhood Anthology

The Motherhood Anthology

Where does my session take place?

Fall mini sessions will take place in a local foothills location! Exact location will be determined a week before the shoot as I will want to choose a park with great color and light for that time of year! You will receive an email a week before your scheduled session to confirm a location as well as other details for the shoot. Think Matthew Winters Park, Mt. Falcon etc.

How much is everything going to cost?

Your session is $250 and includes 30 minutes of fun in a beautiful outdoor location! For the most part, I will be quietly observing you and your loved ones to capture the authentic connections between everyone, but you may hear a few silly jokes from me – free of charge! -as well as gentle guiding of poses etc. Also included, is all 8-10 images in your gallery as well as a couple holiday card and birth announcement templates. If you choose to use one of the beautiful templates below, I will have them printed for you (minimum of 15 cards)!

The Motherhood Anthology

The Motherhood Anthology

What if my child won’t smile or cooperate?

My goal always is to capture your family as authentically as possible. That being said, no one wants memories of meltdowns. In my experience, it’s best to not ask your child to smile and look at the camera. Authentic serious faces are always better than fake cheesy smiles. I have over 15 years experience as a professional nanny. Between that and having a toddler of my own, I learned how to respect and appreciate your child’s boundaries. My best advice, is to pretend I am not there, get down to their level and play with your kiddos. You will achieve those genuine connections much better if you can convince your kiddos to ignore the silly lady with the giant camera.

If there are any questions you have that are not answered in this page, PLEASE feel free to reach out at

Example of a kiddo ignoring the silly lady with the giant camera!

Example of a kiddo ignoring the silly lady with the giant camera!


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