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Hi there! Welcome to the blog. You will find beautiful images from all different kinds of sessions as well as more personal stories about me!

Hi, I'm Mandy

Maternity Leave

Jan 28, 2018

This Doula is officially off-call! My husband and I are expecting our first kiddo of our own and I have decided to slowly step back from doula duties for the remainder of this pregnancy.

I will still be answering emails, so please feel free to reach out to me about Photography and referrals! I will continue to hone in on this photography hobby while I patiently wait for the arrival of Baby Schu. 

I also feel blessed in the area of knowing other amazing doulas and I would love to refer you onto them! Don’t hesitate to reach out! I have throughly enjoyed this pregnancy and can’t wait to utilize the new skills I am learning through new classes and experience. 

I will be resuming duties again back in the early fall (as of right now). So if your guess date falls in that time frame, lets definitely chat! 


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