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Hi, I'm Mandy

A Rare Birth Doula Session

Mar 9, 2023

Did you know? I started this whole journey into photography because I was a doula attending births and recognizing that taking iphone photos was great and all, but I knew I could offer more. That is when the journey into learning how to take low light, limited flash photography started. Lately, I have stepped back from the doula world, as it quickly became apparent that being on call with two co-sleeping little ones was not for the faint at heart.

Every once in awhile, if one of your best friends asks, you go back. You go back to the world labor and delivery because there is and always will be a pull for you in that space. Birth is the most raw and breathtaking thing I get to be a part of. Not one mama has been able to hide her true self during labor, and this is what I love. The desire to witness real, authentic relationships is a huge part of who I am. I will definitely go back to this space! But in the meantime, I love being a part of all those special moments before and after as well.

Images are all digital images taken on my Canon 5D Mark IV. The Archetype Process – fujifilm pro pack was used to edit these for a more filmy look. Digital will always be necessary when taking birth images as lighting is incredibly unpredictable but usually a combination of dark and bright fluorescent lighting in hospital settings.

Mandy Marie Photography specializes in newborn, maternity and family artwork in Denver, CO and surrounding areas, including Cherry Hills Village, Englewood, Greenwood Village, Lakewood, Golden, Highlands Ranch, Thornton and the front range.

If you would like to reserve your date on my calendar, please click on ‘contact’ in the menu or email me directly at

Baby and Family

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